Food as Medicine Program Support

Open Source Wellness partners with "Food as Medicine" programs to amplify the effect of food interventions with coaching, nutrition education, and behavioral support.

Enduring transformation requires more than just food.

The clinical evidence is clear that a combination of healthy food, movement, social connection and stress reduction can have a significant positive impact on chronic health conditions including diabetes, heart disease, and depression.

A recent study conducted by researchers at Stanford University showed that Open Source Wellness' health coaching services doubled participants intake of fruits and vegetables, weekly exercise and reduction of depressive symptoms compared with food delivery alone.

Two OSW participants sharing a meal

Food and Feelings: Emotional aspects of Eating.

Our inner experiences impact how we eat, and how we eat impacts how we feel. Bringing compassionate attention to these interactions creates new possibilities.

Grocery shopping on a budget

Eating in a healthy and balanced way doesn't need to be boutique or expensive. We learn and practice simple veggie-forward shopping and cooking.

Macronutrients, Balanced Eating

Understanding the basics of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates allows participants to make thoughtful choices about daily meal planning.

Culturally Relevant Nutrition and Cooking Demonstration

OSW coaches provide nutrition educational and information in a way that uplifts the culture,  dignity, history, values of our participants.  

Vitamins, Minerals, and Fiber

Understanding the role that fiber and micronutrients play in our digestion, blood sugar regulation, and mood enables patients to experiment with new foods and routines.

Our curriculum goes beyond classic nutrition education

Unlike many nutrition education programs that tend to be didactic, content-based and focused only on nutrition, OSW programming centers human connection as a core element of the healing journey and brings a “whole-person” approach to each interaction.  

Open Source Wellness has built a robust health and nutrition education curriculum, which includes culturally relevant nutrition education topics, as well as holistic practices for health such as stress reduction, movement and health-related goal setting.

The curriculum is tailored to the needs of each program and adapted to the culture, languages, ages, racial/ethnic backgrounds, social and environmental challenges and interests/challenges/curiosities of participants.

Alameda County Recipe4Health

Case Study:
OSW + Recipe4Health

In Alameda County, Open Source Wellness partners with Recipe4Health, a collaborative, multi-sector initiative that addresses food security and nutrition-sensitive chronic conditions while improving climate health through regenerative and organic farming, providing job training for formerly incarcerated individuals and elevating BIPOC-led organizations.

Pilot Partnership Began
Local Clinics Served
Patients Served
Health Coaches at work

Let's explore the possibility of working together.

Each community is different. So why would your nutrition education and health coaching be the same as everyone else's? Start a conversation with our team to explore how we can tailor our services to your program and community members.

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